12 printable pages

You may print as many copies as you wish, and they make a delightful gift for any busy mom, grandmother, sister, aunt, or friend.


FREE Gratitude Journal!

Do you want to feel more joy and less stress?

A lot of people think that happiness comes from having more money, a better job, or a nicer house. But the truth is, being happy has nothing to do with external things. It’s about how you look at life and the thoughts that go through your mind. The best way to start being happier is by practicing gratitude every day. And we have just the thing for you – a FREE gratitude journal!

The 12-page printable Gratitude Journal features a cover page, gratitude journal writing prompts, and 10 lined sheets for writing. All you need to do is download it and start writing down all the things you’re grateful for in your life. You’ll be surprised at how good it makes you feel.

Download your free gratitude journal now!

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